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Tumorigenecity: Yes, produces tumors in nude mice consistent with type II bronchiolar adenocarcinoma; Isoenzyme: G6PD, B;PGM1, 1;PGM3, 2;ES-D, 1;Me-2, 2;AK-1, 1;GLO-1, 2 Histopathology: carcinoma, squamous cell; Grade IV; Subculture: Remove medium, rinse with fresh 0.25% Trypsin solution, remove trypsin and let the culture sit at room temperature (or 37℃) until the cells detach (about 10min). Add fresh medium, aspirate and dispense into new flasks. Subculture every 6 to 8 days. Split ratio: 1: 2; Media change: 2 to 3 times per week; Reverse transcritase: Production.