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Take5™ HR DNA梯是高度纯化的质粒消化体和PCR产物的混合物。高阶梯纯度允许特殊的稳定性和室温储存。梯子可以直接加载到琼脂糖凝胶上,并与探针DNA的加载染料溶液一起提供。它们为DNA大小提供了锐利的条带,并允许通过比较与您的样本条带大小相似的条带的DNA数量来进行近似的DNA定量。
1. Detailed transcriptome analysis of the plant growth promoting Paenibacillus riograndensis SBR5 by using RNA-seq technology BMC Genomics, 2017 Nov 3 Luciana Fernandes Brito, Marta Irla, Jörn Kalinowski et al. … inserts were amplified using Allin HiFi DNA polymerase (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany)…
2. Production of the Marine Carotenoid Astaxanthin by Metabolically Engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum Marine Drugs, 2016 Jun 30 Nadja A. Henke, Sabine A. E. Heider, Petra Peters-Wendisch et al. amplified …using All-in HiFi polymerase (highQu, Kraichtal, Germany)...
3. Methanol-based γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) production by genetically engineered Bacillus methanolicus strains Industrial Crops and Products, 2017 Nov 1 Marta Irla, Ingemar Nærdal, Trygve Brautaset et al. …The DNA amplification was carried out with ALLin™ HiFi DNA Polymerase (highQu)…
4. Genome-Based Genetic Tool Development for Bacillus methanolicus:Theta- and Rolling Circle-Replication Plasmids for Inducible Gene Expression and Application to Methanol-Based Cadaverine Production Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016 Sep 22 Marta Irla, Tonje M. B. Heggeset, Ingemar Nærdal, Lidia Paul, Tone Haugen et al. … inserts with ALLinTM HiFi DNA Polymerase (highQu) or the ExpandTM High Fidelity PCR System (Roche)….
5. Programming biological operating systems: Genome design, assembly and activation Nature Methods Vol 11, 2014 Daniel G Gibson …amplified using Allin HiFi DNA polymerase (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany)…
6. Genomic, transcriptomic and phenotypic analysis of the plant growth promoting and phosphate solubilizing Paenibacillus riograndensis SBR5 Dissertation, Bielefeld University, 2017 Jun Luciana Fernandes de Brito …inserts were amplified using Allin HiFi DNA polymerase (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany)…
7. Role of adhesin proteins in Chlamydia infection Dissertation, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, 2017 Feb Alison Favaroni …PCR with All-in HiFi Polymerase (highQu)…
8. Charakterisierung der pH abhängigen Konformation und Multimerisierung des Influenza-A-Virus M1-Proteins Dissertation, Universität zu Lübeck, 2016 Jun Jens Klingbeil … wurde die PCR-Ansätze mit der ALLinTM HiFi DNA Polymerase (highQu) nach Herstellerangaben durchgeführt…
9. Patchoulol Production with Metabolically Engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum Genes, Basel, April 2018 Nadja A. Henke, Julian Wichmann, [...], and Volker F. Wendisch CR-generated fragments (All-in HiFi, highQu, Kraichtal, Germany) were assembled into isolated plasmids
10. Variation in ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Silver linden (Tilia tomentosa) within and across urban areas FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 94, 2018 Maarten Van Geel, KangYu, Tobias Ceulemans 1U HiFi DNA Polymerase (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany) and 1 μL genomic DNA.
11. Characterization of D-arabitol as newly discovered carbon source of Bacillus methanolicus Frontiers in microbiology, 2019 M Gil López, M Irla, LF Brito Inserts were amplified by polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) using ALLin TM HiFi DNA Polymerase (HighQu)
12. Fermentative production of N-alkylated glycine derivatives by recombinant Corynebacterium glutamicum using a mutant of imine reductase DpkA from Pseudomonas … Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 26 September 2019 M Mindt, S Hannibal… PCR-fragments were amplified using ALLin™ HiFi DNA Polymerase (highQu GmbH)
13. Xylose as preferred substrate for sarcosine production by recombinant Corynebacterium glutamicum Bioresource technology, 2019 M Mindt, M Heuser amplified using ALLin™ HiFi DNA Polymerase (highQu GmbH)
14. Forest edge effects on the mycorrhizal communities of the dual-mycorrhizal tree species Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. Science of the Total Environment, 2019 M Boeraeve, O Honnay, ALLin HiFi Buffer and 0.25 μL ALLin HiFi DNA Polymerase (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany
15. Soil organic matter rather than ectomycorrhizal diversity is related to urban tree health PloS one, 2019 M Van Geel, K Yu, G Peeters 1× HiFi Buffer, 1U HiFi DNA Polymerase (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany) PUBLICATIONS highQu 2014 – 2020
16. Fermentative Production of N-Alkylated Glycine Derivatives by Recombinant Corynebacterium glutamicum Using a Mutant of Imine Reductase DpkA From … 2019 - ir.niist.res.in KM Nampoothiri, M Heuser ALLin TM HiFi DNA Polymerase (highQu GmbH, Kraichtal, Germany).
17. Improved Astaxanthin Production with Corynebacterium glutamicum by Application of a Membrane Fusion Protein Marine drugs, 2019 NA Henke… amplified by a high-fidelity PCR (Allin HiFi, highQu, Kraichtal, Germany)
18. Charting the metabolic landscape of the facultative methylotroph Bacillus methanolicus bioRxiv, 2019 B Delépine, MG Lopez (PCRs) with ALLinTM HiFi DNA Polymerase (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany)
19. Metabolic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum towards methanol-dependent growth 20182019 - pub.unibielefeld.de G Hennig PCR to amplify DNA-fragments for cloning was performed with Allin HiFi polymerase (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
20. The impact of forest fragmentation on mycorrhizal communities Dissertation, 2019 Margaux Boeraeve DNA. ALLin HiFi Buffer and 0.25 μL ALLin HiFi DNA Polymerase (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany).
21. SRSF7 maintains its homeostasis through the expression of Split-ORFs and nuclear body assembly Nature Structural & …, 2020 V Königs, COF Machado The proofreading thermostable ALLin RPH Polymerase (highQu) was used for the amplification of PCR fragments for cloning.
22. Carbon Metabolism of Methylotrophic Methanogens and Asgard Archaea in Marine Sediments Dissertation, Uni Bremen, 2019 X Yin PCR was conducted with ALLin RPH polymerase Kit (highQu, Kraichtal, Germany) PUBLICATIONS highQu 2014 – 2020
23. Overexpression of Drosophila frataxin triggers cell death in an iron-dependent manner Journal of Neurogenetics, 2017 August Oliver Edenharter, Janik Clement et al. … qPCR with ORA qPCR Green ROX L Mix (HighQu, Kralchtal, Germany) on a CFX connect™ Real-time PCR Detection System (Bio-Rad)
24. Age-dependent increase of oxidative stress regulates microRNA-29 family preserving cardiac health Scientific Reports, 2017 December Johanna Heid, Chiara Cencioni, Roberto Ripa, Mario Baumgart et al. ... in the StepOne Plus Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems) using ORA qPCR Green ROX H Mix (HighQu)."
25. Treatment with MAPKAP2 (MK2) inhibitor and DNA methylation inhibitor, 5-aza dC, synergistically triggers apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) via tristetraprolin (TTP) Cellular Signalling, 2016 December Doan Duy Hai Tran, Alexandra Koch, Aldrige Allister, Shashank Saran, Florian Ewald et al. ...real-time PCR using 10 pmol of forward and reverse primer and ORATM qPCR Green Rox kit (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany) in a Qiagen Rotorgene machine…
26. Extracellular-signal regulated kinase (Erk1/2), mitogen-activated protein kinaseactivated protein kinase 2 (MK2) and tristetraprolin (TTP) comprehensively regulate injury-induced immediate early gene (IEG) response in in vitro liver organ culture Cellular Signalling, 2016 May Doan Duy Hai Tran, Alexandra Koch, Shashank Saran et al. ...real-time PCR using 10 pmol of forward and reverse primer and ORATM qPCR Green Rox kit (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany) in a Qiagen Rotorgene machine…
27. Myc target gene, long intergenic noncoding RNA, Linc00176 in hepatocellular carcinoma regulates cell cycle and cell survival by titrating tumor suppressor microRNAs Oncogene, 2018 Jan Doan Duy Hai Tran, C. Kessler, S. E. Niehus, M. Mahnkopf et al. ...real-time PCR using … ORATM qPCR Green Rox kit (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany) in a Qiagen Rotorgene machine…
28. Increased expression of bacterial amoA during an N2O emission peak in an agricultural field Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2017 Jan Nicolas Theodorakopoulos, Margaux Lognoulb et al. … in 20 μL reaction mix containing ORA™ qPCR Green ROX H Mix, 2X (HighQu) …
29. Impact of tillage on greenhouse gas emissions by an agricultural crop and dynamics of N2O fluxes: Insights from automated closed chamber measurements Soil and Tillage Research, 2016, April Margaux Lognoulb, Nicolas Theodorakopoulos, Marie-Pierre Hiel, et al. StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR system (Life Technologies…mix containing ORA™ qPCR Green ROX H Mix, 2X (HighQu, Germany …
30. Stable Oxidative Cytosine Modifications Accumulate in Cardiac Mesenchymal Cells from Type2 Diabetes Patients: Rescue by Alpha-Ketoglutarate and TET-TDG Functional Reactivation Circulation Research, 2017 Nov Francesco Spallotta, Chiara Cencioni, Sandra Atlante, et al. …All reactions were performed in 96-well format in the StepOne Plus Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems) using ORATM qPCR Green ROX H Mix (HighQu)…
31. Untersuchung der molekularbiologischen Relevanz des Transkriptionsfaktors IRX1 im Kontext einer MLL-AF4-assoziierten Leukämie Dissertation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, 2017 Alessa Carina Kühn …Mit ORA™ RT-PCR Green ROX H MIX von highQu) erfolgte die Quantifizierung der Amplifikate nach jedem Zyklus in Echtzeit…
32. Mitofusin-Dependent ER Stress Triggers Glial Dysfunction and Nervous System Degeneration in a Drosophila Model of Friedreich’s Ataxia Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, Mar 2018 Oliver Edenharter, Stephan Schneuwly, and Juan A. Navarro … qPCR with ORA qPCR Green ROX L Mix (HighQu, Kralchtal, Germany) on a CFX connect™ Real-Time PCR Detection System
33. Clinical relevance of cytoskeleton associated proteins for ovarian cancer Journal of Cancer Research …, November, 2018 J Schiewek, U Schumacher, T Lange Using the Master- mix ORATM qPCR Green ROX H Mix (highQu)
34. Disruption of the TFAP2A Regulatory Domain Causes Banchio-Oculo-Facial Syndrome (BOFS) and Illuminates Pathomechanisms for Other Human Neurocristopathies Cell Stem Cell, April 2018 Magdalena Laugsch, Michaela Bartusel, Hafiza Alirzayeva at al on the Light Cycler 480II (Roche) using ORA qPCR Green ROX L Mix (highQu) PUBLICATIONS highQu 2014 – 2020
35. Precise and Fast Amplification Using ORA™ SEE qPCR Mix. qPCR-based gene expression analysis in plants. Axonlab White Paper, June 2018 Lea Jäggi, Dr. Korinna Esfeld, University of Berne, Institute of Plant Sciences qPCR Green ROX L Mix in comparison to other commercial kits
36. Musashi1 enhances chemotherapy resistance of pediatric glioblastoma cells in vitro Pediatric Research volume 87, pages669– 676(2020) Rebecca Pötschke, Gerrit Gielen, Torsten Pietsch, ORA qPCR-Green ROX L Mix 2× (HighQu) … Roche Light Cycler 480 II
37. Aging Triggers H3K27 Trimethylation Hoarding in the Chromatin of Nothobranchius furzeri Skeletal Muscle Cells 2019, 8(10), 1169 C Cencioni, J Heid, A Krepelova, SMM Rasa All reactions were performed in 96- well format in the StepOne Plus Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems) using ORA qPCR Green ROX H Mix (HighQu).
38. P300/CBP-associated factor regulates transcription and function of isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 during muscle differentiation The FASEB …, 2019 M Savoia, C Cencioni, M Mori StepOne Plus Real-Time PCR System (Thermo Fisher Scientific) using ORA qPCR Green ROX H Mix (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany).
39. Disarrangement of Endoplasmic reticulummitochondria communication impairs Ca2+ homeostasis in FRDA bioRxiv, 2020 LR Rodríguez, P CalapQuintana qPCR with ORA qPCR Green ROX L Mix (HighQu, Kralchtal, Germany) on a CFX connectTM Real-Time PCR Detection System (Bio-rad,
40. Myc/Max dependent intronic long antisense noncoding RNA, EVA1A-AS, suppresses the expression of Myc/Max dependent anti-proliferating gene EVA1A in … Scientific reports, 2019 SE Niehus, AB Allister One-twentieth of the cDNA mix was used for real-time … ORA qPCR Green Rox kit (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany) in a Qiagen Rotorgene
41. Systematic cysteine-crosslinking in native membranes establishes the transmembrane architecture in Ire1 clusters bioRxiv, 2019 K Väth, R Covino, J Reinhard, qPCR was performed using ORA qPCR Green ROX L Mix (HighQu) in 528 Piko Real PCR system (Thermo Scientific).
42. Lysosomal pathways and autophagy distinctively control endothelial cell behavior to affect tumor vasculature Frontiers in …, 2019 MBE Schaaf, D Houbaert Gene abundance was detected with ORA qPCR Green L mix (QPD0105, HighQu) and utilizing the ABI 7,500 machine
43. Hedgehog Signaling Modulates Glial Proteostasis and Lifespan Cell Reports, 2020 A Rallis, JA Navarro, M Rass CR with ORA qPCR Green ROX L Mix (HighQu, Kralchtal, Germany) on a CFX connectReal- Time PCR Detection System (Bio-rad,
44. Disruption of neural crest enhancer landscapes as an etiological mechanism for human neurocristopathies 2019, kups.ub.unikoeln.de M Bartusel Real-time quantitative PCR was performed on the Light Cycler 480 II (Roche) with the ORA qPCR Green ROX L Mix (HighQu).
45. The Drosophila fussel gene is required for bitter gustatory neuron differentiation acting within an Rpd3 dependent chromatin modifying complex PLoS …, 2019 M Rass, S Oestreich, For subsequent real time PCR ORA qPCR Green ROX L Mix (HighQu, Kralchtal, Germany) was employed.
46. A combined computational pipeline to detect circular RNAs in human cancer cells under hypoxic stress ournal of molecular …, 2019 A Di Liddo RT-qPCR using 2X ORA qPCR Green ROX L Mix (highQu GmbH), …in a PikoReal 96 Real-Time PCR System (Thermo Fisher Scientific) PUBLICATIONS highQu 2014 – 2020
47. Prognostic Impact of CEACAM1 in NodeNegative Ovarian Cancer Patients Disease markers, 2018 Leticia Oliveira-Ferrer, Roshni Goswami… PCR were performed by ALLin™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase Kit (highQu, Kraichtal, Germany)
48. Presence or absence? Primary structure, regioselectivity and evolution of Δ12/ω3 fatty acid desaturases in nematodes Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, Sept. 2019 R Menzel, H von Chrzanowski, T Tonat using the ALLin™ hot start Taq polymerase (highQu GmbH, Germany) and degenerated fat-1 or fat-2 primers
49. Effects of Postharvest-Processing Technologies on the Safety and Quality of African Indigenous Leafy VegetablesDissertation Dissertation, University Düsseldorf, 2016 Apr Sebastian Hänsch …ALLin™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase, 5 u/µl (highQu)…
50. Selection and characterisation of the predominant Lactobacillus species as a starter culture in the preparation of kocho, fermented food from enset Food science and biotechnology, 2019 - Springer HW Weldeselassie, SA Emire, M Alemu The amplicon was performed using ALLin HotStart Taq Mastermix, 2× (HighQu,Kraichtal, Germany) in 50 µl total reaction volume
51. Gordonibacter faecihominis is a later heterotypic synonym of Gordonibacter urolithinfaciens International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology Volume 69, Issue 8, 2019 N Danylec, DA Stoll, M Huch PCR was performed according to [9] using the primer (GTG)5 with the following modifications: ALLin Hot Start Taq Mastermix,2X (HighQu) was used.
52. Characterization of the microbiota and volatile components of kocho, a traditional fermented food of Ethiopia Heliyon Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2019 H Weldemichael, D Stoll, C Weinert, T Berhe… the amplicon PCR was performed using ALLin HotStart Taq Mastermix, 2x (HighQu, Kraichtal, Germany) in 25 μl total reaction volume.
53. Two new species of the Peronospora belbahrii species complex, Pe. choii sp. nov. and Pe. salviae-pratensis sp. nov., and a new host for Pe. salviae-officinalis Fungal Systematics and Evolution, 2020 M Hoffmeister, S Ashrafi PCR was repeated using an ALLin Hot Start Taq Mastermix (HighQu GmbH, Germany)
54. Detection of AML-specific mutations in pediatric patient plasma using extracellular vesicle–derived RNA Annals of Hematology volume 98, pages595– 603(2019) F Kunz, E Kontopoulou, K Reinhardt Next, 20.5 μl of the Master Mix (which contained 12.5 μl ALL in Hot Start Taq 2× MM (HighQu), 6 μl H 2 O, and 1 μl of the forward and reverse primers
55. Nerve/glial antigen (NG) 2 is a crucial regulator of intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 expression Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 2018 Jan Beate M. Schmitt, Matthias W.Laschke, Oliver G.Rössler at al …SampleIN Direct PCR KIT from highQu (Kraichtal, Germany)…
56. In vitro and in vivo modeling of gliomagenesis based on the IDH1R132H mutation 2019 - archiv.ub.uniheidelberg.de Doctor Thesis V Fischer Tail DNA isolation was performed with the SampINTM Direct PCR Kit (highQu, DPK0105) PUBLICATIONS highQu 2014 – 2020
57. The Transcription Factor ZEB2 Is Required to Maintain the Tissue-Specific Identities of Macrophages Immunity, August 2018 Charlotte L. Scott, Wouter T’Jonck, [...], and Martin Guilliams ...PCR reaction containing primer pairs ( Zeb2 PCR) …and Allin Red Taq polymerase (HighQu)...
58. Frequent infection of wild boar with atypical porcine pestivirus (APPV) Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, March 2018 G.N. Cagatay, A Antos, D Meyer… …using ALLin HS Red Tag Mastermix (highQu, Kraichtal, Germany)
59. TAOK3 in metabolism: a possible role for Notch signalling? Dissertation 2018, Ghent University L. De Coninck 5 µL of the ALLinTM HS Red Taq Mastermix, 2X (highQu).
60. Stellate cells, hepatocytes, and endothelial cells imprint the kupffer cell identity on monocytes colonizing the liver macrophage niche Immunity, 2019 J Bonnardel, W T'Jonck PCR was performed with Allin HS Red Taq master mix (highQu GmbH).
61. Genetic and Biological Characterization of Atypical Porcine Pestivirus (APPV) Associated with Congenital Tremor in Newborn Piglets 2019, Thesis, Elib-tiho Hannover GN Cagatay using ALLin HS Red Tag Mastermix (highQu, Kraichtal, Germany)
62. CRISPR-TSKO: a technique for efficient mutagenesis in specific cell types, tissues, or organs in Arabidopsis 2019 - Am Soc Plant Biol W Decaestecker, RA Buono region around the CRISPR Cas9 target site was PCR amplified using ALLin Red Taq Master Mix, 2X (highQu)
63. Rezistencija HIV1 virusa na 3 klase lijekova: prvi slučaj 2019 - hrcak.srce.hr A Planinić, M Oroz 4 separate multiplex PCR reactions using ALLinTM Taq DNA Polymerase (highQu GmbH
64. Restricted and non-essential redundancy of RNAi and piRNA pathways in mouse oocytes BioRxiv, 2019 E Taborska, J Pasulka The lysate was diluted three times and 1 μl used with HighQu DNA polymerase (0.5 U/reaction)
65. Triple Class HIV-1 Drug Resistance in Croatia: the First Report Rad Hrvatske akademije …, 2019 A Planinić, M Oroz 4 separate multiplex PCR reactions using ALLinTM Taq DNA Polymerase (highQu GmbH
66. Diversity of Streptomyces spp. from mangrove forest of Sarawak (Malaysia) and screening of their antioxidant and cytotoxic activities Nature Scientific Reports 2019 JWF Law, KG Chan TurboCycler 2 (Blue-Ray Biotech) based on protocol adapted from Lee et al.65, with highQu Taq DNA polymerase (Kraichtal, Germany)
67. Analysis of HIV-1 diversity, primary drug resistance and transmission networks in Croatia Scientific reports, 2019 M Oroz, J Begovac, A Planinić separate multiplex PCR reactions using ALLin Taq DNA Polymerase (highQu,)
68. The neuronal receptor tyrosine kinase Alk is a target for longevity Aging …, 2020 NS Woodling, B Aleyakpo PCR was carried out following manufacturer's instructions (All-In Taq, highQu) PUBLICATIONS highQu 2014 – 2020
69. Differences in hepatitis E virus (HEV) presence in naturally infected seropositive domestic pigs and wild boars - an indication of wild boars having an important role in HEV epidemiology Veterinarski Arhiv HR, 2017 L Jemeršić, T Keros, L Maltar, L Barbić at al ...For nested PCR, reverse transcription was performed (1Step RT PCR Kit, highQu, Kraichtal, Germany) in a GeneAmp
70. KCa3. 1 channels and glioblastoma: in vitro studies Current Neuropharmacology, Number 2018 Klumpp, Lukas; Sezgin, Efe C.; Skardelly, Marco; 1Step RT qPCR Green ROX L Kit, highQu, Kraichtal, Germany
71. Alternating electric fields (TTFields) activate Cav1. 2 channels in human glioblastoma cells Cancers 2019 E Neuhaus, L Zirjacks, K Ganser, quantitative real-time PCR (1Step RT qPCR Green ROX L Kit, highQu, Kraichtal, Germany
72. Protein Kinase D is dispensable for development and survival of Drosophila melanogaster Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 2019 D Maier, AC Nagel, A Kelp cDNA was produced with qScriber cDNA Synthesis Kit (highQu, Kraichtal, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
73. Sequence and structural properties of circular RNAs in the brain of nurse and forager honeybees (Apis mellifera) 2019 - bmcgenomics C Thölken, M Thamm, C Erbacher total brain RNA wastranscribed using qScriber cDNA Synthesis Kit (highQu,Kraichtal, Germany)
74. Loss of putzig in the germline impedes germ cell development by inducing cell death and new niche like microenvironments Scientific reports, 2019 L Kober, M Zimmermann mRNA was reverse transcribed with qScriber cDNA Synthesis Kit (highQu, Kraichtal, Germany).
75. Characterization of mRNA export and nuclear quality control under heat stress in the yeast Saccharoimyces cerevisiae - Dissertation Dissertation, Georg August Universität Göttingen, 2017 Feb Gesa Zander …CozyHiTM Prestained Protein Ladder HighQu (Kraichtal Germany)…
76. Innovative therapy modalities for solid EpCAM-positive tumor- Dissertation Dissertation, München, 2017 Jana Ylva Tretter …For protein MW estimation, the Cozy™ Prestained Protein Ladder (highQu, Kraichtal, Germany) was used…
77. Exosome purification based on PEGcoated Fe3O4 nanoparticles PLoS One, June 2018 Ming Chang, Yaw-Jen Chang, and Qing Yu CozyHi ™ prestained protein ladder (PRL0202) was purchased from HighQu GmbH (Germany)..
78. Characterization of the physiological and pathophysiological role of the proteasome in glomerular cells 2019, Dissertation Wiebke Sachs CozyXL Protein Ladder
79. The Impact of S1P Receptors on the HighDensity Lipoprotein-mediated Cholesterol Efflux in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells 2019 - duepublico2.unidue.de K Manthe Cozy Protein Ladder