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As messengers bridging the innate and adaptive immune system, the conventional tissue-resident DC (cDC) acts as sentinels in secondary lymphoid organs and other tissues for antigen capture and presentation. The Wild-type MutuDC1940 cell line is an Immortalised splenic CD8α+ subset (CD11chigh,B220-,DEC205+,CD24high,CD11b-) of conventional dendritic cells derived from the CD11c:SV40LgT transgenic mice. The MutuDC1940 cell line retains response to TLR ligands such as CpG (TLR9-L) and PolyIC (TLR3-L) and to a lesser extent LPS (TLR4-L) stimulation by up-regulation of co-stimulatory molecules CD40, CD80 and CD86. In addition to responding to PAMP stimulation and producing Th1 cytokines such as IL-12, these cells are also capable of presenting antigen in the context of both MHC-I and MHC-II, including direct antigen presentation and cross-presentation of cell-associated antigens.
作为连接先天免疫系统和适应性免疫系统的信使,传统的组织常驻DC (cDC)在次级淋巴器官和其他组织中充当抗原捕获和递呈的哨兵。野生型MutuDC1940细胞系是来自CD11c:SV40LgT转基因小鼠的传统树突状细胞的永存脾脏cd8 & alpha +亚群(CD11chigh,B220-,DEC205+,CD24high,CD11b-)。MutuDC1940细胞系保留了对TLR配体如CpG (TLR9-L)和PolyIC (TLR3-L)以及LPS (TLR4-L)刺激的响应,通过上调共刺激分子CD40、CD80和CD86。除了对PAMP刺激产生反应和产生Th1细胞因子如IL-12,这些细胞还能够在MHC-I和MHC-II环境下呈递抗原,包括直接抗原呈递和细胞相关抗原交叉呈递。
动物种别/Organism 小鼠
组织来源 Tissue and Cell Type 树突状细胞
形态/Morphology 神经细胞样,贴壁生长