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The R28 cells were developed from E1A-NR.3 parental cell line through three rounds of limiting dilution and were therefore derived from a single cell. Despite their clonal origin, these cells display both glial and neuronal cell markers indicative of a retinal precursor cell.The parental line E1A-NR.3 was established by immortalization of postnatal day 6 rat neuroretinal tissue using the psi2 replication incompetent retroviral vector. As a result, these cells are already resistant to geneticin/G418 and would require an alternative selection marker for transfection studies. These cells were designed not to form tumors in animals.R28细胞来源于E1A-NR.3亲本细胞系经过三轮限制稀释,因此从单个细胞中提取。尽管它们的起源是克隆的,这些细胞同时显示胶质细胞和神经元细胞标记,指示视网膜前体细胞。母系E1A-NR。采用psi2复制不合格逆转录病毒载体对出生后6天大鼠神经视网膜组织进行永生化。因此,这些细胞已经对geneticin/G418具有抗性,需要另一种选择标记来进行转染研究。这些细胞被设计成不会在动物体内形成肿瘤。
动物种别/Organism 大鼠
组织来源 Tissue and Cell Type 视网膜细胞
形态/Morphology 神经细胞样,贴壁生长