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iPSC (induced Pluripotent Stem cells) reprogrammed from human Skin Fibroblasts with Alzheimer-Presenillin-1 Mutation.This iPS cell line was created using a normal human skin fibroblasts generated from a skin biopsy of a patient suffering from Alzheimer. The iPS cell line was generated using an episomal reprogramming containing a prprietary mix of vectors, containing Oct-4, Sox-2, Klf-4 along with p53 Anti-sense, EBNA-1.The cell line was validated for pluripotency based on colony morphology, alkaline phosphatase expression, and expression of SSEA-4.iPS colonies exhibit classical morphology and growth.Absence of Mycoplasma was confirmed.The cell line is shipped on dry ice.
由阿尔茨海默-早老性痴呆-1突变的人类皮肤成纤维细胞重编程的iPSC(诱导多能干细胞)。这种诱导多能干细胞系是用一种正常的人类皮肤成纤维细胞制造的,这些成纤维细胞来自一名老年痴呆症患者的皮肤活组织切片。iPS细胞系是通过一种非遗传重编程产生的,其中含有一种彗星载体组合,包括Oct-4, Sox-2, Klf-4和p53 Anti-sense, EBNA-1。根据菌落形态、碱性磷酸酶表达和SSEA-4表达验证该细胞株的多能性。iPS菌落呈现典型的形态和生长。证实无支原体。细胞系用干冰运送。
动物种别/Organism 人
组织来源 Tissue and Cell Type iPSC(诱导多能干细胞)
形态/Morphology 贴壁生长