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当前位置:首页 > 产品中心(Products) > 细胞定制Cell Customization(Cell Customization) > 干细胞(Stem cells) > 诱导多能干细胞(Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)) > HighQC™ 破伤风类毒素特异性T细胞
产品描述/Products Description
These CD4+ T cells are specific for a peptide derived from tetanus toxoid bound to HLA-DRB1*01. They also recognize whole tetanus toxoid but only when presented by dendritic cells, not B-LCL.The T cells proliferate when stimulated with antigen and APC. They also produce IFNg, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13. Healthy female donor, CMV negative. 5′ 10″ tall, 210 lbs. Her genotype at Fc gamma RIII alpha 158 is F/V.